June Week 1

Hello again friends,

We’ve just finished our exams and are starting up summer jobs, summer internships, summer adventures, and of course, summer books! Below are a few books we read during exams and enjoyed!


Wicked Saints by Emily Duncan

A great world with interesting characters and wonderful magic.

Lauren Recommends


The Devouring Grey by Christine Lynn Herman

A strong mystery with realistic characters and an interesting monster.

Caleb Recommends


Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds

It was alright, the plot was interesting, and there were scenes between the characters that felt raw and real, but other than that, the writing style was dull. It was okay so I put recommend, maybe someone else can read it and see if it’s interesting to someone else?

Anonymous Recommends

(Further review with spoilers below)


We have another meeting this Friday and with our members travelling, working, interning, and more, hopefully we’ll have a few reviews for you then.


Happy Reading!


After this there are spoilers for ‘Opposite of Always, so please stop reading now if you don’t want to spoil the book!











Over the course of the book, there are 4 three month periods he lives out, and in the last loop, the main character talks about how he’s practiced for his band for four months. But then, in the end, he’s like “oh btw I actually went through a ton of time loops, this was only a sample”, but then half of what he said at the end of his last loop isn’t actually true. It kind of felt like the author didn’t pace it well or just threw it in just because.


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