You Don’t Even Know Me, by Sharon Flake

Summary: Tow-Kaye just learned that the love of his life is pregnant–and though he knows what the right thing to do is, he’s scared to death to do it. Jeffrey hates having a mom who dresses like a teenager, but when another sexy mom moves in next door–well, that’s a different kind of problem. In these and twenty-two other short stories and poems, readers plumb the inner lives of African American teenage boys.  Jump at the Sun

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Will Grayson Will Grayson, by John Green & David Levithan

Summary: When two teens, one gay and one straight, meet accidentally and discover that they share the same name, their lives become intertwined as one begins dating the other’s best friend, who produces a play revealing his relationship with them both. Dutton

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The Poison Eaters and Other Stories, by Holly Black

Summary: A girl wagers her soul in a sour-gummy-frog-eating contest with the devil. Love and a homemade coat rescue a boy from his fairyland jailers. A newly bitten teenage vampire uses the Internet to show the world just how uncool the “cold” life is. In this collection of stories, the supernatural intersects with everyday life in surprising and dangerous ways. Big Mouth House

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Jump, by Elisa Carbone

Summary: A totally wild, crazy jump from a restrictive life with her family into a life of total adventure–rock-climbing out west with a guy she barely knows. At first, everything’s amazing. Not only are they climbing in awesomely beautiful national parks like Yosemite but they seem awesomely made for one another. P.K. is in heaven. And then the cops show up with an arrest warrant. And P.K. has to decide who to believe: this amazing guy whom she trusts with her life–or the cops, who want her to believe that he may take her life. Viking.

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